Mining and Resources
Project Experience
BHP Billition - RGP6 - Jimblebar Hub - Newman Western Australia
Jimblebar Iron Ore Mine is one of BHP’s recent flagship developments at a value of $3.2B, its official opening commenced in
April 2014. Jimblebar delivered first production in the quarter ending September 2013 and is expected to deliver phase one capacity of 35 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) by the end of the 2015 financial year. Together with the installation of four mobile crushers, this will increase total Western Australia Iron Ore (WAIO) supply chain capacity to in excess of 220 mtpa (100 per cent basis).
BHP Billition - RGP5 - Rail Duplication North - Newman Western Australia
RGP5 was part of BHP Billiton’s phased expansion with capacity to increase to 205 million tonnes per annum. Duplicating the rail infrastructure was a fundamental part of the growth strategy.
BHP Billition - RGP5 - Rail Duplication South and NPI - Newman Western Australia
Located in Western Australia’s remote Pilbara region, the RGP5 Southern Vertical Package is a 50 km rail duplication from Yandi Mine through to Cowra sidings, with a further 2 km for the Chichester deviation works.
BHP Billition - RGP5 - NPI - Newman Western Australia
The RPG5 project increased BHP Billiton’s installed capacity across its Western Australia iron-ore operations by 50 million tonnes to 205 million tonnes per annum.
The majority of production growth came from the Yandi and Mining Area C operations. The RGP5 project also delivered significant infrastructure upgrades, including additional shipping berths at the Port Hedland inner harbour (Finucane Island), substantial double tracking of the company’s rail system and additional crushing, screening and stockpiling facilities at Yandi, in addition to Construction of additional NPI at Turner and Redmont Camps.
Rio Tinto - Hope Downs 4 - Newman Western Australia
The Hope Downs 4 mine is an iron ore mine is one of twelve iron ore mines the company operates in the Pilbara with Combined production of 202 million tonnes of iron ore. The Pilbara operations accounted for almost 13 percent of the world's 2009 iron ore production of 1.59 billion tonnes.The Hamersley Range, where the mine is located, contains 80 percent of all identified iron ore reserves in Australia and is one of the world's major iron ore provinces.
The project leases are estimated to have 1,450 million tonnes of mineable ore and the mines to have an expected life of more than 30 years.
Rio Tinto - Cape Lambert NPI - Karratha Western Australia
Cape Lambert Camp A and B Project works included the installation and commissioning of Accommodation Facilities, communications and power including associated treatment plants to Camp A, and Design and Construction of a 1,200 person camp with similar scope, facilities at Camp B.
Harmony/Newcrest - Hidden Valley Gold Mine - Morobe Mining Joint Venture - Papua New Guinea
The Hidden Valley mine is an open pit gold and silver mine, jointly owned and managed as part of the joint venture between Harmony and Newcrest Mining.The mine is situated in the highly prospective area of the Morobe province in Papua New Guinea, some 210 km northwest of Port Moresby.The Hidden Valley-Kaveroi and Hamata pits, located approximately 6 km apart, are in operation.
Ore mined is also treated at the Hidden Valley processing plant.