Delay ClaimsAny contractor throughout the course of a project may be faced with delays to the works, whether by way of Increase to the Scope of works, Variations, Environmental, Procurement effects and/or Delays caused by the principle or principles subcontractors.
The methodologies utilised by contractors in both identification and proving schedule impact, vary in composition and no single analysis is considered a standard above any other. However, when composing delay claim validation and Extensions of Time, succinct reporting in claim delay invariably offers the greatest protection from financial exposure to the Principal, and the Principals ability to recoup that exposure from the contractor.
Ultimately, the goal is to Justify and negotiate the Claim to Time Extensions, prior to project completion as the best delay analysis is always the analysis that is concurrent with the Construction Schedule, continuous in its Visualization of Delay Impact and substantiates as and when delay occurs and/or ceases to occur.
At Hazelton Hanlon Hart we provide and assist contractors in the compilation and justification of Delay Claims as and when they occur, providing visual representation by way of updated construction schedules and programmes that depict;
- The effects of Delays to the works,
- The impact on Existing Tasks,
- Maintaining Critical Path,
- Dynamic Resourcing Options and
- Dates for Completion.
We understand that time is not always available on Project to maintain and Update the Construction Schedule, our Schedulers collaborate directly with your Project Teams to refine, guide and administer the Project Schedules and Construction Programmes to present factual Time Impact Analysis as and when the Delay commences or ceases to occur.
As relayed above, the best Time Impact Analysis is the Analysis that is performed concurrently with the construction activities of the Project as it is the greatest representation of Project narrative and offers the most protection from financial exposure upon completion.