Renewable Energy
The Greatest Resources within any Business are its people, the people who make your business unique, the people who provide your business with the edge over the competition, whose energy and performance
maximise Business Efficiency and Profitability.
Shouldn’t these same characteristics of Energy, Performance and Efficiency displayed and delivered by our people, be applied to the Operational Work Environment and Premises that they occupy?
At Hazelton Hanlon Hart, we believe they can, our Team is committed to Value Engineering of Operational Costs associated within business Work Environments, Increasing Building and Facility Efficiency whilst simultaneously reducing Costs and Increasing Profitability.
- Renewable Energy Implementation
- Smart Technology Solutions
- Energy Saving Illumination
Renewable Energy Implementation
The benefits of Renewable Energy Implementation are no longer confined to our Common Social Responsibility's towards Improved Public Health and Environmental Responsibility. Renewable Energy provides a Clean, Reliable and Alternate Supply with Clear benefits in Cost Reduction to Operating Business Premises and facilities.
Asset Development
Renewable Energy implementation and Management is fundamental to maintaining the standard of our workplaces and contributes to the business culture we create,
clean is clinical, sharp says smart and efficiency delivers effectiveness. No workplace, premises or Building is too old or too complex to accommodate cost effective retro-fit of renewable technology’s provides building and Business Managers clear and concise control, in addition to cost efficient control of Equipment that would otherwise be left on the old "set and forget".
Smart Technology
Would our personal actions differ and those of our colleagues change, if what we "thought" was energy efficient, was Visible and directly controllable?
At Hazelton Hanlon Hart, we think it would, we think you should have Control with our Smart Technology Solutions;
- Power Consumption Monitoring - Monitor your energy usage whenever you want wherever you are
- Direct Control - The ability to remote to field devices and reduce Kw Consumption of Equipment
- Direct Reporting - Customised reporting on Strategies to reduce the carbon footprint and adjust building power consumption
The single biggest benefit of Smart Technology Integration is the reduction of direct energy costs, followed by the change in attitude, in turn actioning the control and converting to cost savings.
Daylight Harvesting
Conventional switching arrangements and operation of existing Building luminaires, internal and external Lighting, operate in ignorance of their environment and surroundings, they only know "on" and "off".
At Hazelton Hanlon Hart we provide the following solutions empowering your Building Illumination to be "self-aware" of both the surrounding environment and personnel in the work place, by way of Daylight Harvesting;
Ambient Lighting Controls
- Enable your luminaires to sense ambient light levels (artificial and environmental)
- Dimming or switching OFF lighting when sufficient ambient light is present or when the space is unoccupied
- Personnel Movement - Control lighting in any given workspace occupation levels and movement
Field End Devices
- Touch Control Display - Visual Display and Ease of Control of Building Lighting and Lighting levels
- Zoning - Control the dimming and switching of Luminaires in proximity of other ambient light sources or High Volume Traffic Areas
- Future Proofing - allowance for Interconnection to other components of the Building management System